Craft Project


Description: In this project, students were asked to create their own bracelets with yarn using the weaving technique. We had to take three straws and tape them together to create the system in which we would weave our yarn in and out of it. Then we chose three different colors of yarn and create our bracelet by weaving under and over the straws. Then we took the bracelet off the straws and tied it together. I chose yellow for sunshine, pink for dance, and purple because it is my favorite color. 

Extension Activity: Students could use this weaving technique using more staws to create a larger bracelet. They could choose more than three colors in order to make it a little more detailed. In addition, students could use the diagonal method in creating their bracelet design. For example, they could weave under and over two straws in order to create this pattern rather than weaving under and over one straw at a time. 


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