Bubble Letter Mural


Description: This project involved drawing. Students were told to draw bubble letters for the initials of their names. We got to practice making bubble letters on another sheet of paper before we drew them on our final project. Then we had to brainstorm five designs/images that we would want to use to fill in the empty spaces on the page. We had to have at least five different lines or patterns, 5 different colors, and 3 different mediums, and at least three shapes. I decided to use flowers, paw prints, pizza, music notes, and sunshine with clouds for my shapes and patterns because I love all of these things. 

Extension Activity: I think this project could be redone by having students write their names on a larger piece of paper using bubble letters. This could be their portfolio for all of their art projects for the time they are in that class. Students would be encouraged to put several designs on their projects that represented themselves. They would be encouraged to use different mediums and different materials to make their project unique to themselves.


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