Elements and Principles of Art

Description: For this project, I had to go on a scavenger hunt to find all of the elements and principles of art. I had to look all around to find these. Then, I had to create a presentation about all of them for a third-grade class with their definitions. The top left picture shows how value can be used within the art to show the two-dimensional piece with different values of lightness and darkness. The stop sign demonstrates the element of shape because it is a geometric shape. The perfume bottles show contrast because they are different sizes, but the same bottle of perfume. The flower shows emphasis because it is a red flower in the midst of a bunch of white flowers so the red flower is emphasized. The cabinet shows balance because it is symmetrical on both sides. 

Extension Activity: An activity I could use would be by assigning each student an element and principle of art. Then they would create a project for the element and principle that shows exactly what it is. Once they finish their project they will create a Powerpoint presentation with definitions of these. The whole class will share their projects and definitions which will later be hung up in the classroom. 


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